A New Opportunity for charities

For many charities, bequests and legacies left by donors (gifts left in Wills) provide a significant portion of their funding, and with a wealth transfer estimated in the trillions on the horizon, the potential impact is enormous with charities having a unique opportunity to tap into this potential source of funding.

At Footprint, we understand the importance of this opportunity, which is why we have launched a dedicated charity offering that allows donors to leave a bequest to any New Zealand registered charity of their choice. Our online Will solution enables donors to create a Will that includes a bequest to their chosen charity, ensuring that their legacy lives on through their support of a cause close to their heart.

But why should individuals consider leaving a bequest to a charity? 

For many, it's a chance to make a lasting impact beyond their lifetime. By leaving a bequest, donors can ensure that their values and beliefs are continued through their support of a cause they care about. Additionally, leaving a bequest to a charity can provide a sense of personal fulfilment and leave a lasting legacy and impact.

For charities, receiving a bequest can provide a reliable source of funding and help ensure that the charity can continue to make a difference in the lives of those it serves. It can fund specific programs, support long-term sustainability, or make a significant difference in other ways. By partnering with Footprint, charities can also benefit from a range of features designed to make the process of receiving bequests as seamless as possible. These features include a dedicated landing page for the charity, a real-time reporting dashboard, and unique promotional options. Charities that partner with Footprint also have the option to receive donations back for every Will sold using their unique discount code, which can help incentivise donors to leave a bequest to their chosen charity.

With one of the largest transfers of wealth in history on the horizon, now is the time for charities to consider the opportunities that this transfer of wealth presents. By partnering with Footprint, charities can ensure that they are well-positioned to receive bequests and legacies from donors who are looking to make a lasting impact beyond their lifetime. Donors, in turn, can ensure that their legacy lives on through their support of a cause close to their heart.

Together, we can make a difference to the lives of those in need.

If you want to learn more about our charity offering and how you can get involved, head to https://www.myfootprint.co.nz/charities and request a demo with our team today.


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