The Power of a Will

Different people will have different reasons for getting a Will. It’s a legal document that empowers individuals to take control of their legacy and put measures in place to protect their loved ones, so it’s both important and powerful!

We sat down with Tony, a young professional from Auckland who experienced health issues, to learn about why they got a Will, but most importantly, what getting a Will did for them.


1. Why did you get a Will?

I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Lymphoma Cancer, and my doctor advised me that treatment was available, but there was a decent chance that it wouldn’t work out, meaning I would pass away in a few months if the treatment were ineffective. 

Because I was 22 years old when I was diagnosed, I never really thought about getting a Will because I thought D-day was a long time away, so I’ll worry about it later. By this point, I had already bought my first house, and I thought, ok, but at least with a Will, my hard work can still leave a legacy. Footprint has made it really easy to keep my Will up-to-date and give me peace of mind knowing I have one in place.


2. What did getting a Will do for you? 

I made a Will at the time mainly to ensure that my parents would retire comfortably, even if I were no longer around. So I thought ok, worst case scenario, I don’t make it, at least this will give me comfort that my loved ones will be looked after. 

Then, after I created my Will, I felt a deep sense of peace. Why? I think it’s because creating a Will helped me make peace with the worst-case scenario. This was an unintended consequence but immensely beneficial to my treatment. 

It helped me to show up to chemo-therapy appointments with a smile. It gave me the room in my mind and heart that I need to be generous to others, not bitter and to soldier on. 

Having a will gave me the space in my mind I needed to tackle this challenging situation head-on. My loved ones are taken care of, so I can focus fully on my treatment and recovery. 


Your Legacy Designed Your Way


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